
The data on this website is for information purposes only. The information also cannot be considered general (medical) advice and is for information purposes only. No actions may be taken on the basis of the information on this website without prior expert advice. 

Body Logic Practice has compiled the information on this website with the utmost care. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information provided and we accept no responsibility for the consequences of any use of incorrect data. All information included on this website (texts and images) is therefore subject to express reservation. The information may be changed by us at any time without further notice. 

The information provided cannot be considered a substitute for a consultation or treatment with a doctor or therapist. The information available on this website is therefore intended purely as background information. 

This website may contain links to third parties. Third-party links on this website are not continuously checked, created and/or maintained by us. We therefore do not accept any liability for the content of linked websites. 

The information provided on this website may not be copied or distributed without prior written consent.

For more information, please contact: moonspanjer@bodylogic.nl