Woman with PMS

Progesterone is not the cause of PMS

Fatigue, fluid retention, mood swings and irritability a week before menstruation. For many women, these symptoms are very recognisable and a huge handicap. Often, they also get worse after the age of 35.

Nutrition tips for pregnant women

My 7 best nutrition tips for pregnant women

There is plenty of advice out there on what not to eat during pregnancy. Perhaps more important is what exactly you should eat in pregnancy. Which nutrients will help you and the foetus? In this article, I give you my seven most important nutrition tips for pregnant women.

Herbs and food supplements

Is orthomolecular medicine scientific?

Orthomolecular medicine has often fascinated me, but at the same time always put me off a little. Why? Orthomolecular medicine is not always scientific...

Don't get me wrong, it can be scientific. The pure meaning of the word 'orthomolecular' includes the meaning 'the right substance in the right amount'. However, orthomolecular medicine has come to mean much more than that.

Mother and baby

Can you prevent birth defects in your unborn baby?

Congenital defects such as a harelip or heart defect do not just happen. Often, the cause is not found. Almost always, several factors play a role. Using the stories of three children with congenital defects, I discuss what factors these may be. With this information, I hope we can prevent congenital defects in the future!

young woman taking her temperature with a thermometer

Non-hormonal birth control

Are you considering natural contraception? You are not the only one. Some 14% of young women use a natural method according to research by Rutgers. In this article, I talk about hormone-free contraception, how GPs deal with this question, different methods of hormone-free contraception and my own experience.

breastfed baby

Nutrition when breastfeeding

Which food is best if you are breastfeeding? The postpartum period is an intense one. You are recovering from pregnancy, childbirth and at the same time you are responsible for feeding a brand new human being. In this article, I will show you which nutrition will best support you.

A healthy pregnancy

Careful with salt in pregnancy?

As a woman, should you be careful with salt in pregnancy? Let's look at the physiology of pregnancy. This is because a woman's body changes during pregnancy. It adapts and starts functioning in a certain way so that it can make new life possible. All these changes that is the physiology of pregnancy.

Woman with PMS

Progesterone is not the cause of PMS

Fatigue, fluid retention, mood swings and irritability a week before menstruation. For many women, these symptoms are very recognisable and a huge handicap. Often, they also get worse after the age of 35.

Nutrition tips for pregnant women

My 7 best nutrition tips for pregnant women

There is plenty of advice out there on what not to eat during pregnancy. Perhaps more important is what exactly you should eat in pregnancy. Which nutrients will help you and the foetus? In this article, I give you my seven most important nutrition tips for pregnant women.

Herbs and food supplements

Is orthomolecular medicine scientific?

Orthomolecular medicine has often fascinated me, but at the same time always put me off a little. Why? Orthomolecular medicine is not always scientific...

Don't get me wrong, it can be scientific. The pure meaning of the word 'orthomolecular' includes the meaning 'the right substance in the right amount'. However, orthomolecular medicine has come to mean much more than that.

Mother and baby

Can you prevent birth defects in your unborn baby?

Congenital defects such as a harelip or heart defect do not just happen. Often, the cause is not found. Almost always, several factors play a role. Using the stories of three children with congenital defects, I discuss what factors these may be. With this information, I hope we can prevent congenital defects in the future!

young woman taking her temperature with a thermometer

Non-hormonal birth control

Are you considering natural contraception? You are not the only one. Some 14% of young women use a natural method according to research by Rutgers. In this article, I talk about hormone-free contraception, how GPs deal with this question, different methods of hormone-free contraception and my own experience.

breastfed baby

Nutrition when breastfeeding

Which food is best if you are breastfeeding? The postpartum period is an intense one. You are recovering from pregnancy, childbirth and at the same time you are responsible for feeding a brand new human being. In this article, I will show you which nutrition will best support you.

A healthy pregnancy

Careful with salt in pregnancy?

As a woman, should you be careful with salt in pregnancy? Let's look at the physiology of pregnancy. This is because a woman's body changes during pregnancy. It adapts and starts functioning in a certain way so that it can make new life possible. All these changes that is the physiology of pregnancy.


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