'Metabolism is key to health'

Moon Spanjer,
Women's health doctor

Welcome to Body Logic

An innovative health practice that helps you address the source of your symptoms

Are you consciously working on your health but getting stuck? Need a different perspective on health? Many health problems start with a metabolism that is no longer working optimally. And you can do something about that!

Do you want to understand where your symptoms come from? Work on your health in a fundamental way? Let me support you.

For the past 10 years, I have been studying the female metabolism. Metabolism provides the energy that makes us alive. With that energy, you feel energetic, your hormones are balanced and your digestive and immune systems work as they should. 

At Body Logic, we look at the state of your metabolism. And teach you how to influence it yourself. With attention to you as a unique person. This creates a plan to revive your metabolism, the fire within your body.

A new approach

For whom?

Body Logic Consultations


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Ik ben zo enorm geholpen door Moon dat ik geen woorden voor heb! Moon is zo professioneel en ze heeft zo veel kennis. Ik ben heel dankbaar voor haar hulp en ik raad het aan iedereen om een afspraak bij Moon in te plannen.
- Gladys (2 maart 2024)
Mijn ervaring met Moon was heel fijn! Ze heeft op een positieve en plezante manier duidelijkheid en inzicht gegeven in mijn klachten. Ook heeft ze fijne handvaten gegeven om verder te bouwen aan mijn gezondheid. Nu ruim een maand later ervaar ik al positieve verandering. Een aanrader!
- Oanh (15 april 2024)

Insights for women and healthcare professionals

Every three months, I publish a substantive newsletter reporting on my research. In accessible articles, I discuss the latest scientific findings related to women's health.

The doctor behind Body Logic

My name is Moon Spanjer. Doctor and researcher. While studying Medicine, I did not know what I wanted to specialise in. But I did have one passion: metabolism as a source of health.

After years of self-education, I followed my heart and started Body Logic. This is where I put my passion into practice. Of course, there was no specialisation for me. After all, all organs in your body need a functioning metabolism.

Such a well-functioning metabolism, I wish you that too! And the practical insights I get from research I want to share with you. 

My mission is to give you the knowledge and tools to take control of your health. Knowing what your body needs. What you can do yourself. On the road to a vital metabolism. 

Because if your metabolism works well, and you make enough energy, you can live!

Picture of Moon Spanjer

Moon Spanjer

Physician & researcher

Picture of Moon Spanjer

Moon Spanjer

Physician & researcher

Moon Spanjer

Physician & researcher

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